#!/usr/bin/env sh # Based on day script from mischavandenburg # url: https://github.com/mischavandenburg/dotfiles/blob/main/scripts/day today=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d") tomorrow=$(date -d "tomorrow" '+%Y-%m-%d') yesterday=$(date -d "yesterday" '+%Y-%m-%d') file="$SECOND_BRAIN"'/periodic/daily/'"$today.md" cd "$SECOND_BRAIN" || exit 1 new_note() { touch "$file" # Give me a nice format cat <<EOF >"$file" # $today [[$yesterday]] - [[$tomorrow]] ## Intention What do I want to achieve today and tomorrow? ## Tracking - [ ] Cycle - [ ] Strength training - [ ] Watch a movie or tv show episode - [ ] Play/finish a game - [ ] Post a blog post - [ ] Check servers - [ ] Check backups ## Log EOF } if [ ! -f "$file" ]; then new_note fi nvim '+ normal Gzzo' "$file"