# md-tools Simple neovim plugin adding a few helping keybinding and ways of writting to help write markdown, with the help of the [marksman](https://github.com/artempyanykh/marksman) lsp. Marksman allows you to follow files with go to definition and a lot of other things, this plugin is just supposed to be a simple addition to help with things marksman doesn't/can't do as an lsp. ## Planned feature - Promote or demote headers - Helper's for writting list's - Open web links - Maybe table helper ( There are already a lot of great table plugins so I most likelly won't be implementing that, but link to another one ) - Toggle todo items - Probably some telescope functions ## Small feature set I plan for this plugin to be very small and only have a small amount of feature's because there are already a lot of really good neovim plugins for writting markdown but some of them are really big and do a lot of stuff you might don't want them to do. On the other side there is another spectrum of plugins that focus on one specific thing while writting markdown that I will as I write this plugin and search for functionality will link here for the reason why I haven't implemented such a feature inside this little plugin.