#!/bin/sh # Check ssd state alias ssd-check="sudo smartctl -a /dev/nvme0n1 | grep -E -- 'Data Units Read:|Data Units Written:|Percentage Used:'" # Adding colours to some of the regulas shit alias grep='grep --color=auto' alias ls='/usr/bin/eza -lab --icons --group-directories-first --git --no-time' alias cp='cp -iv' alias rm='rm -iv' alias mkd='mkdir -pv' alias tree='tree -C' alias less='less -R' [ "$TERM" = "xterm-kitty" ] && alias ssh="kitty +kitten ssh" # Easier to type alias vi='nvim' alias nnn='nnn -xec' # Humna readable + better output alias df='df -h -x devtmpfs -x tmpfs -x usbfs -x loop' alias free='free -m -h' # speed up alias spotdl='spotdl --format mp3 --output "{artist}/{artists} - {title}" --threads 16 --sponsor-block' # Just cause I can't remember the command at all alias update-grub='sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg' # Quickly see the hogger in the directory alias dust='du -hd1 | sort -hr | sed "s/.\///g" | sed "/\.$/d"' # Who want to remember this long ass commands alias yta='yt-dlp -x -f bestaudio --external-downloader aria2c --external-downloader-args "-j 16 -s 16 -x 16 -k 5M" --audio-format vorbis -o "%(title)s.%(ext)s"' alias ytvb='yt-dlp --merge-output-format mp4 -f "bestvideo+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/best" --embed-thumbnail --external-downloader aria2c --external-downloader-args "-j 16 -s 16 -x 16 -k 5M" --add-metadata -o "%(title)s.%(ext)s"' alias ytvf='yt-dlp --merge-output-format mp4 --format best --embed-thumbnail --external-downloader aria2c --external-downloader-args "-j 16 -s 16 -x 16 -k 5M" --add-metadata -o "%(title)s.%(ext)s"' # Nice alias dl='aria2c -j 16 -s 16 -x 16 -k 5M --file-allocation=none' alias b='buku --suggest' # ntfy aliases alias ntfy='curl -u ":$(cat .config/ntfy/access_token)"' alias update_done='curl -u ":$(cat .config/ntfy/access_token)" -H "t: System update" -d "System update is finished" ntfy.cronyakatsuki.xyz/portage' alias update_failed='curl -u ":$(cat .config/ntfy/access_token)" -H "t: System update" -H "p:4" -d "System update failed" ntfy.cronyakatsuki.xyz/portage' alias sync_done='curl -u ":$(cat .config/ntfy/access_token)" -H "t: System sync" -d "System sync is finished" ntfy.cronyakatsuki.xyz/portage' # cryptography alias rot13="tr 'A-Za-z' 'N-ZA-Mn-za-m'" # for tmux alias td="tmux new -s $(basename $(pwd))" alias tu="tmux -f ~/.config/tmux/update.conf attach"