#!/bin/sh # script to download a file from that has it's link in clipboard source $HOME/.config/dmenu/config # a functions that list all everything in a directory and gives back the chosen one choice (){ (ls -1 -a | $DMENU -l 30 -p "Choose where to download") } # first choice dir=$(choice) # while the coice is not a file do what is inside while [ "$dir" != "Here" ] do # first we check if it is a single dot and if it we download there [ "$dir" = "." ] && break # if dir is empty we exit [ -z "$dir" ] && exit # if all checks are negative we change into the directory cd "$dir" # doing a new check dir=$(choice) done # download the file quick-notify "Dmenu downloader" "Started downloading a file" aria2c -j 16 -s 16 -x 16 -k 5M --file-allocation=none "$(xclip -o)" quick-notify "Dmenu downloader" "Downloading finished"