+++ title = 'Virgin (Neo)Mutt User Meet Mblaze' date = 2023-10-24T18:13:18+02:00 draft = false +++ We have all heard of (Neo)Mutt when it comes to managing e-mail in the terminal right? What would you do if I told you there is an even better and more UNIX way to manage mail on the terminal? Well there is and it's called [mblaze](https://github.com/leahneukirchen/mblaze). In this post I will explain to you how to setup mblaze for managing your email, but for that we will 2 more additional software to manage our mail with mblaze. [OpenSMTPD](https://www.opensmtpd.org/) the openbsd fast mail server for getting local mail from services like crontab and sending mail with, and [isync](https://isync.sourceforge.io/) for downloading our mail from our remote server's either selfhosted or gmail. # 1. OpenSMTPD First we will setup OpenSMTP for local mail, and we will also relay's that allow us to send e-mail from our selfhosted or gmail mail server's for example. Make sure to install opensmtpd from your package maanager. > Edit `/etc/smtpd/smtpd.conf` ```conf table aliases file:/etc/mail/aliases table credentials file:/etc/mail/credentials listen on action "local_mail" maildir "/home/%{user.username}/.local/share/Maildir/local" alias action outbound_selfhost relay host smtp+tls://selfhost@subdomain.domain.com:587 auth action outbound_gmail relay host smtp+tls://gmail@smtp.gmail.com:587 auth match for local action "local_mail" match mail-from "selfhost@domain.com" for any action outbound_selfhost match mail-from "username@gmail.com" for any action outbound_gmail ``` Next you will need to update aliases in file /etc/mail/aliases under the comment `# Well-known aliases -- these should be filled in!` to your main user account on your system. Now we will also setup the passwords in the `/etc/mail/credentials`, Note for gmail you will need to setup app password for it to be usable with this method and enable smtp in gmail. ```conf selfhost selfhost:selfhost_password gmail gmail:gmail_password ``` Also make sure to run `sudo chmod 600 /etc/mail/credentials` to make sure the password's aren't readable if you aren't running as sudo. # 2. isync Now we will setup isync to get our e-mail from our server's. In this example there is both settings for a selfhosted server and a gmail one. > Edit `$HOME/.mbsyncrc` ```rc IMAPStore selfhost-remote Host subdomain.domain.com Port 993 User selfhost@domain.com PassCmd "Command for password" or Pass password SSLType IMAPS CertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt MaildirStore selfhost-local Path ~/.local/share/Maildir/selfhost/ Inbox ~/.local/share/Maildir/selfhost/INBOX SubFolders Verbatim Channel selfhost Far :selfhost-remote: Near :selfhost-local: Create Both Expunge Both Patterns * !"[Gmail]/All Mail" !"*fts-flatcurve*" !"*virtual*" SyncState * Create Both IMAPStore gmail-remote Host imap.gmail.com Port 993 User gmail@gmail.com PassCmd "Command for password" or Pass password SSLType IMAPS CertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt MaildirStore gmail-local Path ~/.local/share/Maildir/gmail/ Inbox ~/.local/share/Maildir/gmail/INBOX SubFolders Verbatim Channel gmail Far :gmail-remote: Near :gmail-local: Create Both Expunge Both Patterns * !"[Gmail]/All Mail" !"*fts-flatcurve*" !"*virtual*" SyncState * Create Both ``` Then you can run `mbsync -V gmail/selfhost` to sync a specific account or you can run `mbsync -a` to sync all your account's. # 3. mblaze Now we will start working on the most juicy part, setting up mblaze for basic usage. First we will setup a basic mblaze profile for our local account. > Edit `$HOME/.mblaze/profile` ```conf Local-Mailbox: user FQDN: "Generate using command mgenmid" Maildir: /home/crony/.local/share/Maildir/local Outbox: /home/crony/.local/share/Maildir/local/Sent/ Drafts: /home/crony/.local/share/Maildir/local/Drafts/ Reply-From: user # You don't need this, it just makes it easier to see date Scan-Format: %c%u%r %-3n %10d %17f %t %2i%s ``` And now we are ready for using mblaze for managing our local mail with mblaze. Now for the rest of this blog I will show how I manage multiple account's using a scipt and a couple function's. I will also link a video that will show you in more detail things for using mblaze for managing your mail which was my inspiration for making this post. # 4. Multiple profiles management You can do this in a lot of ways with mblaze since it is very easily scriptable, but I do it with a script that copies over a preconfigure profile from `$HOME/.config/mblaze` > example selfhost mblaze config `$HOME/.config/mblaze/selfhost` ```conf Local-Mailbox: User Name FQDN: "Generate using command mgenmid" Maildir: /home/USER/.local/share/Maildir/selfhost Outbox: /home/USER/.local/share/Maildir/selfhost/Sent/ Drafts: /home/USER/.local/share/Maildir/selfhost/Drafts/ Reply-From: User Name Scan-Format: %c%u%r %-3n %10d %17f %t %2i%s ``` > example gmail mblaze config `$HOME/.config/mblaze/gmail` ```conf Local-Mailbox: user FQDN: "Generate using command mgenmid" Maildir: /home/USER/.local/share/Maildir/gmail Outbox: /home/USER/.local/share/Maildir/gmail/[Gmail]/Sent Mail Drafts: /home/USER/.local/share/Maildir/gmail/[Gmail]/Drafts Reply-From: user Scan-Format: %c%u%r %-3n %10d %17f %t %2i%s ``` For the local profile, just copy the config saved to `$HOME/.mblaze/profile` to `$HOME/.config/mblaze/local`. Now onto the script and functions I use with my zsh. > mprofile ```bash #!/bin/sh profiles=$(find "$HOME"/.config/mblaze -type f -exec basename "{}" \;) currentMaildir=$(grep "^Maildir:" "$HOME"/.mblaze/profile | cut -d: -f 2 | sed 's/ //g') [ -z "$1" ] && basename "$(grep -w "$currentMaildir" -l -R "$HOME"/.config/mblaze)" && exit 0 [ "$1" = "-l" ] && printf '%s\n' "$profiles" && exit 0 profile="$1" if printf '%s\n' "$profiles" | grep -qw "$profile"; then cp "$HOME"/.config/mblaze/"$profile" "$HOME"/.mblaze/profile else printf '%s\n' "This profile doesn't exist" fi ``` The script is able to print the current profile when run without argument, listing all available profiles using -l and setting the profile by providing it's name. > functions ```bash # mblaze functions # Get new mail for current profile mnew () { maildir=$(grep "^Maildir:" $HOME/.mblaze/profile | cut -d: -f 2 | sed 's/ //g') profile=$(basename $maildir) if [ "$profile" = "local" ]; then mlist -s "$maildir"| msort -dr | mseq -S else mbsync -V $profile mlist -s "$maildir"/INBOX | msort -dr | mseq -S fi } # Get full mail for current profile including threads mall () { maildir=$(grep "^Maildir:" $HOME/.mblaze/profile | cut -d: -f 2 | sed 's/ //g') sent=$(grep "^Outbox:" $HOME/.mblaze/profile | cut -d: -f 2 | sed 's/ //g') profile=$(basename $maildir) if [ "$profile" = "local" ]; then mlist "$maildir" | mthread -r -S "$maildir" | mseq -S else mbsync -V $profile mlist "$maildir"/INBOX | mthread -r -S "$sent" | mseq -S fi } ``` For the rest of usage of mblaze, I really recommend to use `man mblaze` since the software is really well documented, or you can also watch this [video](https://piped.cronyakatsuki.xyz/watch?v=5YS8RPC4zwc) I took the inspiration from for this setup. # Conclusion Hope you have had a good read, and I hope you will maybe try out this mail setup, or create your own even better setup for your self.